
GSC Report on the current activities

by Pavel Tregubov, GSC Secretary

In the first half of 2020 GSC is being involved in various activities and projects. Here are the main points:

  • World Championship Match 2020 – negotiations with EXPO and with a number of commercial, broadcasting and media partners
  • Preparation of the various FIDE presentations, including “FIDE World Championship” presentation, General, Youth, Women GP, Senior etc…
  • Preparation of the Women Grand Prix and World Women’s Cup 2020
  • Preparation and holding meetings with (potential) partners and sponsors – Expo 2020, Cola, Total, Tesla, Cisco, Pepsi, Aegon, Fortum, Isklar, Rosatom, Mars, MTS, Yugra and others…
  • Holding two GSC Meetings
  • Conducting the poll on the FIDE World Team Championship format.
  • Conducting the poll on a new qualification system which might substitute the current system by average rating of 12 months.
  • Collaboration and meetings with the Arbiter’s Commission on selection of 150 arbiters for the FIDE Olympiad 2020 (2021)
  • Revision of the following FIDE Handbook articles:
  • C.01 (in progress)
  • D.01.01 (approved and renewed)
  • D.03.06 (in progress)
  • D.03.07 (in progress)
  • Nominating arbiters and FIDE principals for major FIDE events
  • Being in contact with Continental federations in regard of issues related to the World Championship Cycle, instructions, explanations, mediation between players and organisers
  • Being in contact with national federations in regard of preparation of major FIDE events – such as Olympiads, World Cups and Grand Prix.
  • Assisting the Chief Arbiters of major FIDE events with preparation of “Arbiter’s Information”
  • Preparing and holding the FIDE Online Nations Cup in collaboration with
  • Preparing and holding the FIDE Online Steinitz Memorial in collaboration with
  • Holding regular meetings with and Chess24 on forthcoming projects
  • Working with other commissions’ and major platforms’ representatives on online cheating problem. Creating a working group that united all the stakeholders (staged five meetings in May and June)
  • Preparation of Regulations for the official FIDE events
  • FIDE Grand Prix Series 2021
  • FIDE Gran Swiss Tournament 2021
  • FIDE Women’s Candidates Tournament 2021
  • FIDE Candidates Tournament 2022
  • FIDE Online Nations Cup (over)
  • FIDE Online Steinitz Memorial (over)
  • Checkmate Coronavirus Project (approved and published)
  • FIDE Online Olympiad
  • FIDE Online World Bullet Championship