
GSC Report on the current activities March-May 2019

GSC Report on the current activities

by Pavel Tregubov, GSC Secretary

During the last three months GSC is being involved in various activities and projects.
Here are the main points:

  1. Olympiad 2020 preparation (to be discussed on PB)
  2. World Championship Matches + Candidates (ES to brief)
  3. Women’s Grand Prix Series 2019-2020 (ES to brief)
  4. Developing a new FIDE World Cup system (prepared – to be approved by PB – see addendum)

5.Preparing two questionnaires in cooperation with Nielsen Holdings as part of the chess community research program (done, first one in process of polling already; the second one is currently being prepared by Nielsen for publishing online)

  1. Agreement with Coca-Cola and further cooperation with corporate sponsors.

7.Preparing regulations for the official FIDE events / events to be held under FIDE aegis

  • FIDE World Championship Match 2020 (already approved and published)
  • FIDE Women’s World Championship Match 2019-20 (already approved and published)
  • FIDE Grand Swiss Tournament 2019 (already approved and published)
  • FIDE Women’s World Cup 2020 (to be published)
  • FIDE World Olympiad 2020/2022/2024 (being in process)
  • “Best Minds Play Chess” project (ES to brief)